
Reporting bugs and errors

If you find a bug, or an error in the code or documentation, please report this by raising an issue at the GitHub issues page for ncfp

Contributing code or documentation

We gratefully accept code contributions, if you would like to fix a bug, improve documentation, or extend ncfp. To make everyone’s lives easier in this process, we ask that you please follow the procedure below:

  1. Fork the ncfp repository under your account at GitHub.
  2. Clone your fork to your development machine.
  3. Create a new branch in your forked repository with an informative name, e.g. git checkout -b fix_issue_107.
  4. Make the changes.
  5. Run the repository tests (see the Testing documentation for more details).
  6. If the tests pass, push the changes to your fork, and submit a pull request against the original repository.
  7. Indicate one of the ncfp developers as an assignee in your pull request.

Suggestions for improvement

If you would like to make a suggestion for how we could improve ncfp, we welcome contributions at the GitHub issues page.